The 32 Best Vegan Protein Sources


The 32 Best Vegan Protein Sources


Tofu is a soy-based food made by curdling soymilk with a coagulant and then pressing it into soft white blocks. These blocks are often cut into thin strips or wafers and deep-fried or baked in an oven. It is traditionally served as an accompanying dish to other dishes, including soups, salads and main courses. There are many varieties of tofu, such as fried tofu (usually served in the form of yakitori), dried tofu (usually served uncooked), mushrooms soaked in soy sauce, tempeh and soy milk.


Tempeh is a soy-based food made by fermenting cooked soybeans, mung beans or both. It can be sliced into blocks and pan-fried in a bit of oil and eggs or loafs made of chopped tempeh, soaked in tamari (a type of wheat-free soy sauce) and baked on low heat for about an hour. Some people also add herbs and spices such as black pepper for flavor. Tempeh makes for a great source of protein; one 100g serve provides 20g protein.


Edamame is a soy-based food, which is commonly available in pods. The soybeans may be boiled or roasted and then eaten whole, usually with salt, as a snack. It's sometimes also known as green soybean or immature soybean. One 100 g serve provides around 80 calories and 11g protein.


4. Soy Beans


Soybeans are legumes commonly used for multiple purposes such as food, feed and fuel. They were brought to Europe by Portuguese traders in the fifteenth century, and their use quickly spread throughout the continent. In addition to being a source of protein, soybeans can also be fermented into tempeh or cooked into tofu. One hundred grams of soybeans contain 17g protein on average, while 100 grams of edamame contain around 80 calories and 11g protein.


Soy milk is soymilk that has been boiled for a long time, usually for about two hours. It is often used in cereal foods and desserts because of its sweet taste and high protein content. One hundred grams of soy milk contain 3g protein on average, while 100 grams of soybeans contain 17g protein.
